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Don't Cry Over Broken Dishes

I bought a pretty plate on a thrift trip out of state and tried to ship it back home, but sadly it didn't make the journey. (you can find the whole haul from that trip here.) This plate was only 99 cents and I could have just thrown it away, but that would make me sad. So instead, I'm going to repurpose it in a super simple way that lets me hold on to it for a future project.

Step one: Smash the plate more. My plate was broken into two large chunks, but I need lots of small pieces for what I have in mind.

Step two: Find a cute jar or vessel. I got this idea from Pinterest when I saw a really large lidded vase filled with pieces of broken blue and white dishes. I thought it was such a cool way to preserve and display something beautiful, but mostly useless and wanted to do the same with my broken plate.

Step three: Fill the jar and find a spot for it. I'm trying bring some subtle apothecary touches into my kitchen for fall and this corked bottle very much fits the vibe and will fit my plate shards.

I love the finished look and the subtle color this bottle now carries through my kitchen matching several other blue and white details in this space. It'll be a great place to decoratively collect more broken dishes to maybe someday repurpose into a mosaic or something.

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